
‘Sunny Star’


Full nameTradescantia spathacea ‘HANSOTI02’.
Name statusNot established, an unpublished trade name used for Tradescantia spathacea ‘HANSOTI02’.

Listed online by Anything Grows (2020). The name has never been published in hardcopy, so is not established (Brickell et al., 2016, Art. 27.1). Based on the photos, it is assumed to be a trade name for ‘HANSOTI02’.


Anything Grows. (2020). Moses In A Boat ‘Sunny Star’ (Tradescantia Spathacea ‘Sunny Star’) (4″ pot) – Tropicals & Houseplants. Internet Archive link.

Brickell, C. D., Alexander, C., Cubey, J. J., David, J. C., Hoffman, M. H. A., Leslie, A. C., Malécot, V., Jin, X. (2016). International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. PDF link.