Uncovering the Garden Professors’ cult of expert personality, as they go to extraordinary lengths to avoid admitting mistakes or learning anything.

Uncovering the Garden Professors’ cult of expert personality, as they go to extraordinary lengths to avoid admitting mistakes or learning anything.
They might be the group admins or they might be well-regarded longstanding members, but almost any niche topic or hobby group online will have its handful of experts. But groups like this can often develop into something more sinister: the cult of expert personality.
My research study shows that drainage layers really do reduce the water retention of plant pots, contrary to popular mythbusting belief.
Tradescantias are often included on “toxic” plant lists, but these lists can be unreliable and inaccurate. In reality tradescantias are not severely dangerous to humans or animals.
Correctly identifying an unknown plant is a difficult task. Because of that, people often hope for easier ways to identify their plants. But there are no shortcuts to this process. The ID charts and AI apps people often turn to are unreliable and lead to misidentifications and misplaced confidence.
On the history and implications of the most controversial common name for tradescantia.
Repotting is an important part of long-term maintenance for any container plant. It’s also a stressful process for a plant to go through. So keeping container plants healthy means repotting when they need it, and only when they need it.
Learn about the golden rules for watering plants, which provide a regular saturation and drying cycle to keep plants healthy. And find out how to apply those rules in practise, and avoid both underwatering and overwatering.
Learn about how I care for my outdoor tradescantias, including soil, watering, and other maintenance.
Find out how water-retentive live sphagnum moss turns out to be a perfect medium for growing these indoor succulents.